Saturday, January 30, 2021

How to Throw a French Toast Party

How to Throw a French Toast Party

1. Tell your friends to bring the bread and eggs. You've got the bacon

2. Schedule a date

3. Cook up some yummy cinnamon French toast and bacon. Pour yourself a mimosa.

4. Relax.

One night when I had to fend for myself for dinner, someone in our group chat said they wanted French toast. I said you bring the bread and eggs, and I'll bring the bacon. And a French Toast Party was born. I really meant for them to come that night but we actually scheduled a time a few days later. 

Danielle said she would bring the eggs and bread. I had the bacon. I told Erin to bring Orange Juice. Then Danielle said we should have mimosas and we had to get champagne. 

After seeing goats in pajamas, Danielle and Erin came over for some French Toast. We decided cinnamon French toast would be the best. I manned the frying pan making bacon while Danielle whipped up some French Toast batter. I was able to multi-task and get the French Toast done and bacon done at the same time. My BS (Breakfast, burgers, steak) cooking hubby wasn't home so I had do the breakfast making. I didn't burn down the place but was too busy cooking to get pictures.

We sat down to a tasty brunch of French toast, bacon, and mimosas. As we filled out bellies, we chatted and caught up on life. Sometimes, even in the midst of a pandemic, you need some girl time. Besides it gave us a reason to make bacon.. not I ever need a reason to make bacon.

I liked the semi-spur of the moment event. It reminded me of college when my sisters and me would do impromptu dinners in the suite. Ah the memories. 

We definitely need to more of these semi-impromptu meals. Working from home has greatly reduced my socializing with people on a daily basis. Hopefully the random meals will continue in the future. 

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