Monday, September 21, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Summer Reading Challenge

 The various libraries around here always do a summer reading program. Usually it requires me to log my reading in some way that is not convinient for me like going to the library or it's just for people under 17. Besides of COVID, the libraries were doing their summer reading program by logging reading time and books via an app called Beanstack. I can totally do this.

Since I have library cards through two different library systems, I used both my phone and my tablet to download the app and sign up for the summer reading program at two different libraries -- Kimberly and Neenah. I visit both so I figured why not. There were prizes involved in both reading programs as well. 

Each library had it's own way of tracking reading over the summer. Neenah only cared about reading per day. So I didn't have to keep track of my time read just the pages. Kimberly wanted you to read a specific number of minutes before earning a badge. It was harder to track minutes as I usually don't read continuously but throughout the day while doing other things.

Each library had its own reading challenge complete with the kind of challenges you could complete and the type of challenges. By completing challenges, you earned badges. The badges then would enter you into a drawing for prizes depending on the program.

Neenah library challenges were more vague and let you read what you wanted under a particular genre -- short stories, classics, graphic novels, memoirs. Kimberly Library was very specific... read these recommended books or watch these recommended movies. I completed all but one challenge for Neenah. I didn't take the language course. Kimberly I completed only a handful of challenges as many of the books/movies were not available through Hoopla or Libby. Even though some of the books I read could have fell into multiple categories for Neenah's challenges, I stuck by my rule of one book, one challenge per app. 

Both libraries award prizes. Again how they did this was different. Neenah you earned tickets which you could enter into a drawing for various prizes (books and gift certificates to area businesses) at the end of the challenge. Kimberly had weekly drawings.

I won a $10 gift certificate from the Kimberly Library to area business.

I won a book of my choosing form the Neenah Library.

It was pretty easy. Log your titles and reading time. Complete challenges and win prizes. The app is fairly easy to use and let's you search for books different ways and add books if you can't find a book. The only downside of the app is that the books are in pages which makes it difficult for audio books. I just changed the number of pages to the hours and minutes of the audio book. 8 hours 15 minutes became 815 pages. 

Both libraries have a new challenge for the upcoming Fox Cities book festival. Read books by authors at the festival, possibly win prizes. Signed up for both again. I hope they continue with the app readingn challenges even once we are back to normal. It is fun and easy.

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