Saturday, September 19, 2020

20 in 2020: Explore one new city in Wisconsin

 My 20 in 2020 list is not going very well mainly due to COVID. It may turn into 21 in 2021. However, I was able to explore a new city in Wisconsin while at softball. The hubby had a softball tournament in Mishicot and I figured I'd tag along to make dinner an easier option. I needed to go for a walk so I explored while I got my steps. The only other time I recall being in Mishicot is for a wedding at the resort. 

Mishicot is a little village in Northeast Wisconsin that besides Fox Hills Golf Resort really does not have much going on. I didn't even see a fast food restaurant.

First stop was the Covered Bridge. I'm a sucker for covered bridges and this one was right by the Community Park and softball diamonds. Apparently it is also a good spot for fishing. It turns out they were fishing for salmon. 

Then I wandered the downtown area which is a couple blocks long. The downtown features many historical buildings. Many buildings feature a sign that tells you the history of the building. The history geek instead me was delighted. I learned about the early history of some of the buildings.

I found the cemeter. I love walking through cemeteries and looking at old graves. Instead of taking the road up the cemetery, I took the set of old cement stairs. They are a lot steeper than they look.

The cemetery was had several cool looking headstones.

After leaving the cemetery, I followed the scenic shortcut for a bit.

I then discovered I was on the Ice Age Trail. I followed the trail for a few blocks. I am completing the ice trail a few feet at a time. Most people do a segment or a few segments at a time. I prefer a few feet.

Mishicot does have a few art galleries and a historical museum to check out as well. 

The village was decked at for fall. 

If you are ever following the Ice Age Trail through Mishicot check out the history. Personally I don't think it's worth a visit unless you plan on golfing or maybe fishing. It was not that exciting of a town.

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