Monday, September 25, 2017

Salsa Fun at the Library

I stumbled across a library program at the Kaukauna Library about salsa. Initially I thought this was about salsa dancing but it turned out to be about canning salsa. I debated going as I really didn't want to learn how to can salsa.. I wanted a good salsa recipe. The one time I made salsa it was good but it wasn't amazing.

Since I got everything done and had nothing better to do, I headed to Kaukauna. When I got there with a few minutes to spare, no one else was there. I was like "great just my luck.. I'm going to be the only person here". Luckily another young women who actually had a purpose to be there.. she had a ton of tomatoes in her garden.

The program was exactly what I thought it was going to be.. all about canning tomatoes. I did pick up some good tips and learned a few things if I ever got that itch to attempt canning salsa. Honestly though it wasn't my cup of tea. The program there was a good enough and very informative. The lady from the UW-Extension office even provided what not do with some humorous stories.

Personally I found the highlight of the evening was the salsa tasting at the end. The librarian brought her secret recipe plus the recipe from the UW-Extension office. The secret recipe was amazing and all the librarian would tell us it came from the Bell recipe book. The other recipe was too sweet.

Despite it not being the program for me, I really like that the libraries in the area do offer programs for gardening and canning. I may not be into these things but they do benefit some people. I learned a few things and it wasn't really a complete waste of my time. I will continue to seek out interesting programs at the area libraries.

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