Saturday, September 9, 2017

A Crash Course in Library Detritus

Several of the area libraries have been sponsoring Artist-in-Residence programs where a local artist displays their art at the library and offers a couple of programs about their craft during a two month period. Having minimal artistic ability myself, I enjoy learning about and attempting new art projects and art forms. As I was scrolling through Facebook one night (that's all I seem to do most nights), I stumbled across an Artist-in-Residence event at the Appleton Library. It was free and so I was. That's how I ended up with a crash course in Library Detritus.

Appleton's Artist-in-Resident for September and October is Mel Kolstad who creates mixed media projects. Her latest endeavor is Library Detritus -- or the debris left in books when they are returned. She has mini collages on display featuring bits and pieces of library detritus. The pieces are very simplistic yet meaningful.

In this session we were going to make our own library detritus collages using items found in the book return and books returned to the Appleton Public Library. You would be surprised at the things people left in their library books... or used as bookmarks. There was a dollar bill, loose change, a plastic egg, envelopes, random drawing and letters.

While Mel and most everyone else believed in the whole simple yet meaningful collage method, I apparently missed that message because I think of collages as random, busy, and jumbled. Maybe I should have looked at Mel's before I started my project. I really like the simple collage method but instead I went back to what I know -- busy and jumbled.

The first thing that came to my mind when I heard library detritus was bookmarks. I wanted to create a collage using bookmarks and I wanted it to say READ. After experimenting with hole punches and scissors (and ruining several good bookmarks), I finally figured out how to put this collage together. I ended up cutting out each leg or side of a letter from a bookmark -- each letter was supposed to be a different theme about me and things I liked. It didn't quite end up that way but the collage is still totally me.

After seeing everyone else's finished project, I felt like the kid who got glue and smudges all over his project in kindergarten -- the one messy one among all the neat ones. It was still good but everyone else's was clean and mine was busy. But then again, it is totally me. I don't know if I could do a neat basic collage. It would make me think outside of the box. Hmmm... it would be fun to try. I just need to find some random detritus...

I really enjoyed the afternoon and can't wait to partake in other Artist-in-Residence events at the libraries this fall and winter. Who knows maybe I will become a better artist....

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