Sunday, January 1, 2017

Top 5 in 2017

As I look ahead to 2017, I have some adventures that I hope to accomplish this year and knock them off the original bucket list.

1. Go to the Octagon House -- this has been on my short list for the last couple of years. I had 2 opportunities to check it out this year and changes in plans forced it be left behind. Hopefully I can make it to Watertown to see it.

2. Go to Zoo Ala Carte -- another one that has been on the short list for the last couple of years. Because of when it is, it usually lands during my vacation. Hopefully vacation will be earlier this year and I can head down to zoo ala carte.

3. Go to Alpha Xi Delta National Convention -- I will have several upset sisters if I don't make it to this year's convention. It is in Chicago and I have every intention on going.

4. See the ice sculptures at the PAC -- this is one of those things that was added to the original list because of living in the Milwaukee area. Now I think it is time to make a day trip down to see them... I just have to find out when they are.

5. Go tubing -- something I've always wanted to do and Danielle said she'd take me this year when she went...

I'm sure there will be other items that get crossed off the original bucket list this year like always. The goal is to knock off 5 and the last couple of years I have succeeded.

I know the hubby and I will work on knocking off more Major League Baseball Stadiums this year to help me reach my goal of seeing all the stadiums. White Sox, Detroit, and Kansas City make the short list this year.

Stay tuned for my many adventures in the coming weeks and months.

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