Saturday, January 14, 2017

#995 Build a Fort

Every year my friend Jamie and her family builds a blanket fort on New Year's Eve. I must have had a depressing childhood as I never built a blanket fort or any other kind of fort or clubhouse. After seeing pictures for the last 2 years, I decided I wanted to make a fort and watch a movie in it. I thought doing this by myself but decided that it would be more fun if I had someone to do it with. So I invited Danielle and Gavin over for forts and movies this afternoon since the hubby was gone all day.

It turns out that Danielle at least some fort building experience because I really had no clue how to build a fort. I knew I needed some blankets and chairs but when it came to putting it together I had no clue. Next time we will invite Jamie over for assistance as she is a "professional".

Building a fort isn't as easy as it looks. You have to make sure the roof is high enough to see the TV and wide enough for 3 bodies. You have to make sure the blankets are secure to the chairs and each other. This is where knot tying skills come in handy as well as hair clips and chip clips. Jamie says duct tape works well too.

Once had our fort built, we wiggled into it.. another thing I didn't realize I had to worry about. Trying to lay in the fort to watch TV. In order to do this in the small space we had, we had to enter the fort feet first. It was a lot of contorting for us adults.

Danielle and I lasted about 20 minutes laying on our stomachs when she wiggled out and sat up and I flipped positions and leaned against the couch. That was much more comfortable. I figured since I wanted to build a fort I better watch the entire movie in it.

Fort building is a great way to spend a winter afternoon. Maybe this will become a yearly tradition. Hopefully I will get to improve my fort building skills sometime soon.

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