Saturday, August 15, 2015

Walk Across the Trestle Bridge

When the hubby got his bid to the Babe Ruth World Series, we decided I would fly out at the end of the World Series and we would spend an extra day or two getting home. That meant I would be home alone for an entire weekend. Most people would love an entire weekend to themselves. Not me.. I started planning a bucket list adventure for Northeastern Wisconsin. 

The first stop on my fun-filled day was to walk the Trestle Bridge in Menasha. Since I am not one to regularly drive to some place to go for a walk, I never made the time to do this even though Danielle and I talked about doing it. I figured it would be a good way to start my day. 

As the weekend approached, the weather was looking to be hot and steamy. Danielle and I decided to do this earlier in the day to avoid the heat and humidity. We got to the start of the Bridge at about 8:50 or so. It was warm and humid but not quite yet unbearable. The trail is very nice. There are benches along the bridge so if you get tired on the 1,600 foot walk, you can take a break and watch the birds and other aquatic animals. These even a few spots to fish off the bridge. 

Once we got to the other side at Fritse Park, we stopped to play a bit before walking back. The walk back was a lot warmer than the walk to Fritse Park. At one point Danielle saw something jump out of the water and we tried to see it again but it never did jump out of the water. In the mean time, we missed a flock of geese landing on the water. 

I may just have to make it more of a priority to walk across the bridge more often. It is a very nice walk. If I don't want to walk, I can roller blade or bike. The Trestle Bridge is part of very popular Friendship Trail. More new ways to get my steps in.

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