Saturday, August 15, 2015

#3805 Go down the slide at Fritse Park in Neenah

One of the reasons, I wanted to walk across the Trestle Bridge was to go down the slide at Fritse Park. The metal slide is built into the side of a hill and there probably isn’t a kid in the area that hasn’t burned their behinds going down it according to the hubby.  Since I was a transplant, I never had the chance as a kid to enjoy flying down the slide on a hot summer day. I sent out to rectify this on our walk.

When I pictured this slide, I didn’t realize it was built into a hill and was a free standing metal slide. Then I was told it was built into the side of the hill and I was thinking they built a hill around it to make it safer.  The hubby says he thinks it was always built into the side of the hill.

Being so hot, it was a good thing we went early in the day. I really had no desire to burn my behind on a slide. My first run down the slide, I did not gain any speed and had drag produced by my shoes. After that I took my shoes off.  Since I had on nylon shorts and socks, they did not provide any drag and I was able to fly down the slide. Danielle in her denim shorts had some drag and did not go as fast. The key to flying down the slide is have some sort of material that is slick enough to help propel you down the slide.  After a few runs, other people started showing up and we decided it was time to head back to the car on the other side of the bridge, especially if I wanted to continue with the day I planned. It was probably a good thing we left when we did as it was starting to get hot.

It is always fun to take a few minutes to be a kid again.

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