Saturday, August 15, 2015

# 3901 Go to Packer Training Camp

When I posted my agenda for the day on Facebook, one of my friends said she was going to Packer Training camp and I should go. Based on what else I was I doing, training camp fit in the schedule nicely and I was flexible enough that I could push back the time I was meeting my brother and sister-in-law for the zoo.
Since I never have been to Packer Training camp and was meeting Rosie and her parents there, I quickly googled Packer Training camp to find out where to park and other important details. I have never actually driven to Lambeau. When we go to a game, we always park at the Shopko in DePere and take the bus to the game. Even when Danielle and I did the Cellcom 5k, she drove.  I figured when I stopped lunch at McDonald’s in Little Chute and plug 125 Lombardi Avenue in the GPS. Well there was no parking available at McDonald’s so I had to rely on my memory from getting to the Cellcom. Good thing there was an exit for Lombardi Avenue, which is not the exit we took for the Cellcom. I made it Lambeau field unscathed and just had to find Rosie.

Rosie and I were going to watch the players ride the bikes to Ray Nitchske Field while her parents saved us seats at practice. Kids line up their bikes just outside of the locker room and Packer Players will ride their bikes over to the practice field. The kids will carry the players’ helmets and run/walk along side of a Packer. I was I had a bike that didn’t have a flat tire so maybe I could have had a Packer ride my bike.
Watching these big, burly football players ride itty, bitty little bikes is all part of the experience. It turns out not all the players ride bikes over to practice as 2 of the Packers we wanted pictures, Rodgers and Matthews, did not come out on bikes. I like to think there is a super- secret tunnel from the locker rooms to the practice field. In reality, they are just driven over in black sedans. Even though we didn’t see Matthews or Rodgers, we were able to see Jordy, Cobb, Lacey, and a lot of the rookies.  We even got high fives from 2 guys. Even if you don’t want to watch practice, come out and watch the players ride the bikes to practice. You’ll never know who you will see.

After the players came through on the bikes, Rosie and I headed over to practice. Luckily Rosie’s parents saved us seats otherwise we probably would have had to wait to get a seat.  People sit outside the fence and watch from the sidewalk..3 to 4 deep. There’s a probably 6 rows of bleachers on one side of the practice field. We were towards the one end zone so we saw some passing, a lot of kick off/punt returns but very little Aaron Rodgers. We did get to see Clay Matthews though. We stayed at practice for about an hour. It was interesting to watch a practice. It is similar to warm ups before a game but there is a guy on the PA telling who to go where…and everything is in code. There were even referees (local guys) that watch for penalties.

I am grateful to Rosie for inviting me. I am only 30 minutes from Green Bay and never have seen training camp until today. It was definitely the highlight of my day. I may just have to make this a yearly event. It is nice that the Packers have a few open Saturday practices that allows people to see training camp that might not otherwise see it.  

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