Wednesday, June 26, 2024

688. Make daisy chains

Some times life goes as planned but often times you need to make adjustments as life throws curve balls. This year is not one that is going to go as planned. Things I thought would get crossed off the bucket list will still be on the bucket list come 2025. And that is okay. In order to try knock off five things off the original list, I am finding more random things to do. Things that I probably should have done 30-40 years ago.  Things like lay in a meadow and daydream, make daisy chains, see the Nutcracker, and collect nuts.

I happened to see wild daisies growing along the edge of the complex which made me think about daisies chains and how they are still on the bucket list. I had no clue how to make a daisy chain but that is what YouTube and Google is for. It seemed simple enough.

I collected a couple of bunches of flowers. I figured if I didn't have enough for a wreath, at least I could make a bracelet. The amount of flowers decreased from the time I thought about doing this and the time I actually got around to do it. I would have liked to pick a few more but I also wanted to like some in case others wanted to pick some.

I carried my flowers back home to where I attempted to make daisy chains.

To make a daisy chain, you slit the stem with your finger name and slide the stem of another daisy into the opening. Repeat until it is the desired size and then slit the first stem again slightly longer to put in the last stem to close it. 

I made a bracelet or a very small crown. 

It was actually kind of fun. It took me about 5-10 minutes. I learned the thicker the stem the easier it will be make the chain. A thin stem is not hardy enough to pry open and can lead to rips. 

However, I missed the step on how to make sure you don't have stems all of the place. Something I will have to look into for next time. I would love to teach my niece to make daisy chains. 

So the summer of adventure is going to be a lot smaller (and less expensive) than originally planned. Things will get crossed of the original and expanded bucket lists but they will a lot closer to home. You never know what you will find when exploring your state. 

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