Sunday, June 30, 2024

5904. Go to the High Ground Veterans Memorial in Neillsville

 We had to go to Eau Claire for a funeral and since our friends were busy, the hubby was like if there is anything you want to do, we can do it. Doesn't he know that could be a very bad statement. I always have things I want to do. I gave him the choice between the Veterans Memorial and Jurustic Park. Since Jurustic Park is in the middle of nowhere and kind of out of the way, he opted for the Veterans Memorial. One day I will learn not to give him options. 

High Ground Veterans Memorial is located just west of Neillsville on Hwy 10. The grounds are open year round 24 hours a day. The gift shop and museum are open set hours. It is the largest manned Veterans Park in the US. The park is free and open to public. 

The park has over a dozen tributes, a museum, gift shop, and over 4 miles of hiking trails. The views are spectacular. They have room for large vehicle parking as well. 

The various tributes are spread out across the park all on paved or accessible paths. Some of the tributes are a single statue others are more involved. They span from WWI all the way to the Persian Gulf Conflicts. There are spots for picnics and spots for mediating and reflection. 

Down the hill from the gift shop is the Wisconsin Persian Gulf Tribute. Since this was really the  conflict I remember, it was moving to see such a well done tribute. I remember the yellow ribbons on trees and on the news growing up. 

The Korean War Tribute was quite impressive. It gave you a timeline of the war as well. 

The High Ground is also home to the only Native American Vietnam War Memorial in the country. 

There is enough a replica Liberty Bell that you can ring so you can "Let Freedom Ring". I did not get to do this.

The museum was under renovation when we were there which I why I would have rather gone to Jurustic Park. We did not go to the gift shop either. 

We only spent about 30 minutes there but it was definitely worth the stop. We pass it enough and I was like we just have to do it. So we did. I highly recommend stopping if you ever find yourself in the Neillsville area. 

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