Tuesday, March 5, 2024

1194. Go to the Fiesta Bowl Museum in Scottsdale

 I saw on one of the Facebook groups I'm in that someone went to the Fiesta Bowl Museum when they were in Arizona. I was like how did I not know about this place. This is something the hubby would enjoy and it was in Old Town Scottsdale. We always go to Old Town Scottsdale. I put it on the list of things to do this year.

The Fiesta Bowl Museum is located across the river in the more upscale side of Old Town Scottsdale. We usually spend our time in the older section of Old Town Scottsdale. The museum is open 8:30-5 Monday-Friday and closed on weekends. There is no admission to visit the museum. There is a few parking garage across the street. 

It is not a large museum but it is full of history. The Fiesta Bowl Museum tells you the history of the Fiesta Bowl, one of the elite New Year's Six College Football Bowl Games. My favorite exhibits were the yellow jacket exhibit and the how the Fiesta Bowl got started.

They also had replicas of many of the elite college trophies including the Heisman Trophy.

However, the actual Fiesta Bowl trophy is on display... under lock and key. It does come out for special occasions. It weighs over 200 pounds so it is not easy to move. The winner of the Fiesta Bowl gets a new trophy. The volunteer explained everything we wanted to know about the trophy to us. She was wonderful.

The offices of the Fiesta Bowl are actually located above the museum. 

The museum was very interesting. It is a hidden gem that you might miss if you are not looking for it. I am glad someone mentioned visiting it. We enjoyed our visit. Maybe now I have to see if any other bowl game has a museum to visit. 

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