Friday, December 15, 2023

Adventures in Cooking: Soft Molasses Cookie Monkey Bread

 When making cookies for Christmas, I always double the recipe. I doubled the soft molasses cookies and just didn't get a chance to bake them before Stacy came up for cookie baking. We started to roll them in sugar and half way through Stacy mentioned she didn't need any as no one really eats them. Okay now I have a double batch of soft molasses cookies that my family really only needs a single batch. They make that many cookies. 

As the we piled the rolled dough on a cookie sheet to put on more sheets as they came out of the oven, Stacy mentioned it looked like monkey bread. And a brain child was born. She was like I would if we could make cookie dough monkey bread. After a google search, it looked like we could. Someone else tried it but sliced the dough but we wanted to keep the monkey bread idea and be able to pull about the dough balls.

We decided to go for it. We finished rolling all the dough into balls and sugar. Then I dug out my Bundt pan and we put the dough balls in the pan. 

Not knowing really how long to bake, we just kept an eye on it. Once it was golden brown and starting to pull away from the pan, we took it out of oven. I would guess it was about 20-30 minutes.

I decided to serve it at cookie baking on Friday. I covered it with foil and let it sit on top of my refrigerator for the week. Then I heated it back up in the oven for about 5-10 minutes.

I flipped it out of the pan and as you can see the dough started to bake together instead of staying separate like in monkey bread.

Once I flipped it over, it was a bit easier to pull apart. You definitely could pull off bits of cookie.

Erin said it tasted like pure brown sugar. Danielle said it wasn't bad. I thought it was a tad underbaked.

I decided this might work but it definitely needs to be made the same day. It might work best with sugar cookie or peanut butter cookie dough. Stacy and I decided it definitely a possibility but needs more tweaking. Maybe we will find the secret to monkey bread cookies or we will just make oddly shaped cookies.

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