Saturday, December 9, 2023

5109. See the North Pole Christmas Village in Chilton

 When Tracy tagged me a Facebook post about a Christmas Village in Chilton, I knew had I to check it out. This is the same village that moved from Kaukauna to Chilton after it got too big. I asked Stacy what she would like to see more the tin trees in Manitowoc or the Christmas Village. She opted for the village because it was closer.

The North Pole Christmas Village is really closer to Potter than Chilton out in the middle of nowhere. It is open Tuesday-Sunday 4-8 until December 23rd. Admission is free. There is a small parking lot close to the building otherwise you can park in a field. 

The North Pole Christmas Village is dubbed Wisconsin's Largest Indoor and Outdoor Christmas Walk-thru. There is not much outside to see escape the Grinch in jail and a drive in movie theater

Inside is a different story. The North Pole Christmas Village is in a barn. You enter and immediately see a Christmas Village display. It is very nice. You think it is all going to be like this.

After going through a path of lighted trees, you reach the North Pole. Here there are animated elves in various North Poles scenes. This wouldn't be so bad if the elves didn't remind me of the creepy doll that my uncle has on his sofa.

That is on the right side.. on the other side is the reindeer pens. And they are just as sinister looking.

Since we missed picking up a scavenger hunt, I don't know if the pig in the sled shop is part of it or not. It does seem a bit random as does the Minion and Mrs. Potts and Chip in the classroom.

The next room you get to is Santa's Teddy Bear Village.

It is just like it sounds and whole room of moving teddy bears. Stacy wants to know if the army bears are volunteers or forced labor. 

The bears are definitely cuter than the elves.

Well until we got to the random talking moose...

Then he throws in some penguins for good measure.

In all honesty, I don't know what to think. It is very nicely done but those creepy elves.. Maybe I am the only one that found the elves creepy. Everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves. There is even a separate room with Santa at the end. Maybe I just don't like creepy dolls. Don't let that stop you from checking it out if you get the chance. Like I said it is beautiful.. weird but very well done.

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