Saturday, November 18, 2023

Ooh Look... Kites!

 Andrea and I had another croffle date. On the way back from Eb Flo, I noticed several brightly colored kites flying high in the sky. I said we need to check it out. Andrea is used to my random Ooh look moments and directed me to where the kite flyers were.

There was a strip of land near the lake just off the evil roundabout. Here there were several kites set up. I say set up there were multiple kites on one string that one person fly or was staked to the ground.

One string had 1 big kite and like 6 smaller kites attached to the small string. With such a blue sky and bright it was definitely eye catching.

There were about 5 or 6 kites in the air at a time -- all on long strings. It was just nice and relaxing seeing bright colored kites flying on a gorgeous fall day.

We were not the only people that stopped to watch the kites. I'm sure the kites are they often but for me it was my first time seeing multiple kites flying on a bright blue sky. 

If you ever get the chance to stop and watch brightly colored kites against a bright blue sky, do it. It is the perfect self care activity that does not cost anything and will make you fill a kid again. 

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