Saturday, November 11, 2023

7808. Throw an axe

 I have always said I will never go to one of those Axe Throwing places that have been quite popular. It would not be safe for me or others. Once, in Germany, in a boot throwing contest, I threw the rubber boot backwards. I probably would do the same thing with the axe and someone would get injured.

However when I saw that during Light It Up Appleton you could do axe throwing, I decided I wanted to at least try. It was free and really if they were doing it at Light It Up, how dangerous could it really be. 

Appleton Axe had a trailer outfitted with two throwing lanes. They gave you safety instructions and pretty much got out the way. They really only allowed 1 person to go at a time and only one of the two workers was in the trailer with you. I still had my fears of beheading someone.

The safety instructions were 

1. Keep Your Body facing forward
2. Bend your arm at a 90 angle, elbow in
3. Keep the blade away from your face
4. Swing back with the 90 degree angle as you step forward
5. Release

I heard the instructions three times and I was still confused on how to throw the axe but I didn't let that stop me.

All three attempts went forward. All three attempts failed to stick to the wood. They all had the distance but apparently I rotate my wrist when throwing and the axe hit the wood sideways.

I can say that I have crossed it off the bucket list and I don't need to do it again. I think it was great that Appleton Axe was able for people to try axe throwing without paying for an entire session. 

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