Saturday, October 8, 2022

7413. Welcome Home Honor Flight Veterans

 The Honor Flight is a program that was started to fly WWII veterans to Washington DC to see the WWII Memorial and other DC sites and thank them for their service. Once most of the WWII veterans still living had the chance to participate, they started to open it up to other veterans mainly Korean War, Vietnam War, and more recently Gulf War veterans. Part of the pomp and circumstance is welcoming home the veterans at the airport. Prior to COVID, Appleton airport would announce when an Honor Flight was coming and ask anyone that wanted to welcome them back to show up. 

Even though Dad never saw combat action, his navy ship, The USS Lexington, was ordered to patrol off the coast during the very first days of the Vietnam War. This qualified him for the Honor Flight. B went along as his guardian.

We were told to be at the Mitchell Airport after 8:30 as Dad's plan was scheduled to get in after 9. They also said to bring chairs and signs. With the help of Andrea, I made 3 signs welcoming Dad and the other veterans home and thanking them for their service.

When we got to the airport, we discovered Group A flight that was scheduled to arrive in at 8 was still not in. The waiting area was full of people waiting for their family and friends to arrive home. We camped out against a wall waiting for Group A to arrive home. 

Once Group A's family and friends began to clear out, the hubby secured us a front row spot next to a pillar. We set up a chair for Mom. I realized three signs was a bit much and gave away two. I should have kept my favorite. Oh well. 

While we waited the Greenfield Cheerleaders kept us entertained. A band played in down at the other end. 

Finally Dad's plane landed and they started to make it through the concourse and into the waiting area. Everyone was clapping, waving flags, and even shaking hands of veterans as they passed. 

When Dad finally got to us, we tried to shake his hand but he took mom's flag instead. 

After Dad passed us, we quickly got out of the way to let others behind us get up front to see their family member. Then we headed downstairs to meet Dad and B. We were surprised that they beat us down there. I guess that's the advantage of having a wheelchair. 

It was very moving experience, even though it was late. For many of the Vietnam veterans this was the first Homecoming they got. I am happy that they got the Homecoming they deserved. I would welcome home another Honor Flight again especially in Appleton where it might not be so congested.

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