Thursday, June 20, 2019

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

The Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass has Art After Dark on the third Thursday of the month. Danielle and I have been to several of them. This month theme was the Summer Solstice. Since we celebrated Festivus at the Glass Museum, I figured we better celebrate Summer too. They were promising me fire dancers. Ok, now I have to be there for the Solstice Celebration.

The Summer Solstice celebration took place on the lawn of the museum starting at 7:30 with ballet dancers. The fire dancers were scheduled for 8:30. We had to be back to my car by 10 since we parked at Kimberly Point Park and walked due to the amount of people there.

We snuck in the from the lawn while the ballerinas were dancing and plopped a squat on the grass. The ballerinas were very good. It was tough to see at times because of people with strollers in the middle of the grass but for the most part we could see. The dancers performed for about 30 minutes or so.

During intermission, I checked out the new exhibit downstairs. I wasn't quite sure what the exhibit entailed but it was very cool to look at, especially the women made from glass falling from the ceiling. I always enjoy looking at the most recent exhibit to see what sort of glass creations people make.

To advertise fire dancers, I was expecting several fire dancers performing at one time. Not one individual that did a few moves with a firey hoop for about five minutes... then we sat and wait (while the kids ran rampert around the grass) for the next performer. There was a good 10 minute break between preformers. And when I say performers I made one person with a firy hoop or rings. We stayed for three performances.

I get fire is dangerous and to have multiple people dancing with fire could get extremely dangerous but I felt very let down. Don't get me wrong it was still very cool to see them manipulate the hoops with fire through the air but was I hoping for a little more action.

Next maybe I will just celebrate the solstice by dancing in the yard naked.

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