Saturday, January 12, 2019

Pucks and S'mores

I've been years since I've had a s'more and lately I've been craving one. Neenah was having their annual Washington Park Winter Festival today complete with hot chocolate and s'mores. I lured Danielle and Gavin out of the house with the promise of s'mores.. okay so Danielle was game, Gavin not so much. Luckily he was a good sport.

Winter Festival was advertised as a free event for the entire family. There was to be skating, sledding, hockey, games, and s'mores. It was sponsored by the Neenah Park and Rec department and one of the local credit unions. Based on the lack of snow, I was pretty sure sledding wasn't going to be an option but there was plenty of everything else.

The ice rink was flooded and frozen. None of us had skates but we still ventured out on the ice to shoot some hockey. If you made a 5 point shot, you got a blizzard coupon... if you made a 2 point shot, you might a dilly bar stick... if you were under the age of 5. Okay so I may not have gotten my free blizzard but I did get a two pointer and five pointer. Apparently hockey was my sport.

Inside there was free lunch of a (lukewarm) hot dog and a bag of chips. Free is free. It was nice they were offering lunch. You could get hot chocolate outside or an itty bitty cup of water inside to drink.

After lunch, Danielle and Gavin tried they luck at a few of the games.

The games were geared towards the younger kids but the volunteers let the us bigger kids play too. I would have joined in but there were little kids that wanted to play.

Once we were done playing games, we headed back outside to make s'mores. Yum. They set a fire pit with pre-packaged s'more kits. a baggie with 2 graham cracker halfs, a fun-sized Hershey bar, and a marshmallow. It was perfect. Just pick up a stick and roast away.

Even though the marshmallows were not very soft and the s'more not very good, it was quite delicious. I don't know if the lack of gooeyness or the smaller Hershey bar was the reason but it was not a sweet as normal which I was completely happy with.

It was a great way to spend an hour or so on a winter day. It got us outside and into the fresh air. It is definitely geared to the under six crowd but it was still a lot fun. If you have small children, I would highly recommend going to this next year. I may go just for the s'mores.

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