Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 Bucket List Goals

Looking ahead to 2019, I have a feeling it is going to be EPIC. Since I only need to cross 100 more items off my bucket list to reach my goal of completing half of my (original) bucket list, I thought I'd celebrate with trying for an "official" bucket list adventure every month this year.

January -- See the Harlem Globetrotters (already have tickets)
February -- Play Tiddlywinks
March -- See a NHL Game
April -- Make a bird house (Danielle has kits)
May -- Make a bird feeder (Danielle has kits)
June -- Go to Breakfast on the Farm
July -- Go to a Toga Party
August -- Go to Hershey, PA
September -- Go to the YMCA
October -- Go to a Porn Shop
November -- Go to Chuck E Cheese
December -- Kiss under a Mistletoe

There are definitely a few additional items that could and most likely will get crossed off the list especially in August.

Will I get everything done? Who knows but it will be fun trying. I'm always looking for bucket list partners in crime.

A couple other goals for the year

  • Finish a 5K under 40 minutes
  • Read at least 2 books off the (extended) bucket list

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