Tuesday, January 1, 2019

575. See the Harlem Globetrotters

I've been wanting to go to the Harlem Globetrotters for years. They come to Green Bay and now they are also in Oshkosh right around Christmas/New Years. The hubby promised me we would go last year. Unfortunately the Globetrotters were in Oshkosh on New Year's Day so technically I didn't get to go last year but it became the first bucket list adventure of this year.

Tickets were more expensive than I expected them to be but not completely outrageous. If you wanted to meet the team and participate in a pre-game skills clinic of sorts, it would have been an extra $20 a person or something ridiculous like that. I didn't think it was worth that. I could see $10 but not $20.

We saw the Harlem Globetrotters at the Menominee Nation Arena in Oshkosh. The venue had limited parking and we ended up walking a good four blocks. Parking was free even in the itty-bitty parking lot. Oshkosh really needs a parking garage down there.

The Globetrotters was everything I expected and more. I knew they were famous for trick shots and family friendly entertainment. However I didn't quite expect the comedy show that went with it. Fans in the front row would randomly be pulled on to the court to be assistance or one of players would go into the crowd for one reason or another.

The game would randomly stop and players would preform balls tricks. That was pretty good. There were even ball tricks in the middle of the game.

What I did not expect was that the players could barely make regular basketball shots. The actual shooting at times was pathetic. Maybe I just watch too much basketball and pick up on these things. Maybe it was just part of the show. Who knows.

I also did not expect there were going to be two teams. I thought the Globetrotters would play against each other. The Washington Generals were not very good and apparently the Globetrotters normal opponent. The Generals star player was the villain of the game. He would try to cause trouble and at one point near the end of the game pulled the plug to reset the scoreboard to zero so that the first team to 6 would win. Naturally the Globetrotters sunk a 4 point shot to win the game.

It was a great way to spend a few hours on New Years. Would I go again? I probably would. It would have to be the right opportunity as I don't think the show changes much. However if you are a basketball fan, played basketball, or have kids into sports, I would highly recommend seeing the Globetrotters at least once.

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