Saturday, April 14, 2018

Downtown Appleton's Ladies Day

Danielle picked up a FAN Pass to go to the Spring into Style Ladies Day event sponsored by Downtown Appleton. Unfortunately she had to work so Heather and I planned on going... then the blizzard hit. Heather couldn't get out her subdivision so the hubby was a nice hubby and dropped me off at the Paper Valley Hotel so I could at least attend. I was surprised that they didn't cancel but then again this is Wisconsin.

Spring into Style Event started off with a continental breakfast at the Paper Valley while you waited for the fashion show to start sponsored by local businesses. There were a few booths that were sponsoring contests.... fashion trivia, prize pong, photo booths. If I actually had cash on me I might have checked them out. You could also buy a $10 candy bar and win a prize... a lot of the prizes sounded like BOGO at Basil's Pub.. Gee just what I wanted a free drink. The money went to a good cause but it was like a giant fundraising. Not what I was expecting.

The Fashion Show was at least interesting even though the DJ and the emcee were unable to attend due to the snow. The staff of Downtown Appleton did a wonderful job at putting on the fashion show with what models were available.

One part of the fashion show was like Project Runway where local artists/designers designed a garment featuring downtown Appleton. Some were quite wild but all very well done.

This was my favorite. You can't really tell in my picture but the bottom of the gown features Appleton landmarks.

Everyone who attend the fashion show also got a swag bag. I was expecting some really nice swag and was disappointed.

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At lot of it was coupons and deals to use at downtown businesses. For someone not interested in fashion, on a tight budget, and really don't need any shoes I really wasn't interested in an extra 20% off from this place or that place. I get they want you to support the local businesses but when none of the local business are my kind of store, it's hard to get excited about a coupon. Maybe if Heather or Danielle were along to browse, I might have checked out some of the stores but in a blizzard, I really didn't feel like trudging alone in the snow by myself. It was nice that most of the sponsoring business accepted the Ladies Day specials all week long because of the blizzard.

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However, the swag bag did have some nice lotion, a sweet pair of earrings, a luggage tag, my very own pop socket, and even a nifty coin purse.

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Even though there was a blizzard raging outside, I did actually use one of my coupons. I trudged the one block to pick up some cupcakes for dessert. I figured I owned the hubby for taking me in the snow and Tamara's the Cake Guru was having a special Buy One Get One Free. Yes please.

Don't get my wrong, it was a great event sponsored by a great organization but it's not really my kind of thing. I am glad they put on this kind of event to get people out and to support local business. I would love to be able to support local business more if I could. I know Neenah, Menasha, and even my home town, Port Washington, put on similar events and I would hope other communities would think doing a similar event. It's a great way to learn about local business, browse the stores, meet new people, and who knows come home with a great door prize or even pair of shoes that you just HAD to HAVE (or leash for Sparky).

Despite not being my kind of event and there was a raging blizzard, it was a very well put together event that brought many people out -- even in the bad weather. Would I go again? Possibly. I probably would not buy tickets myself but if I ended up with free tickets again I would attend and even make sure I had cash to enjoy some of the booth.. maybe even buy a candy bar. If I do this again, I hope there is better weather so I could browse the stores and maybe find a hidden gem hiding on College Ave that becomes one of my favorite new stores.

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