Saturday, April 7, 2018

6430. Have a lemon bar

A few months back I realized I never had a lemon bar and decided maybe I should try one. Heck, I made an entire batch of lemon curd cookies for Christmas and didn't even have one. I mentioned that I was deprived child and never had a lemon bar on Facebook. People were amazed. 

 Friend A: How are we still finding things like this?!? How have you never had a lemon bar?
 Me: Probably because I was afraid to try them
 Friend B: Well, buy or make yourself some and report back. I love them.

I really didn't see the need to make a whole pan of lemon bars just to try one. What if I didn't like them? What if they are too lemony or tart? Sure I could have shared at work but what if they didn't turn out?? Lemon is tricky in my opinion.

I didn't want to buy a whole container of bars because the hubby won't eat them. I didn't want to buy something I wasn't going to finish all it. 

We were leaving the Official's Banquet tonight and on a table were a couple of lemon bars left (we just had brownies on our table). I figured this was my chance. I swiped a lemon bar off the table and took a bite. 

Honestly... it was very tart and lemony. I won't say that I didn't like it but it left a lot to be desired. It was good but if I had my choice between a lemon bar and a brownie, the brownie will always win.. so will anything with chocolate. I won't wrinkle my nose and pass it over if it's the only thing left. It is definitely not my favorite but it could become a decent last choice. The poor lemon bar is not high on my list of desserts but to each their own. Who knows, maybe there are better lemon bars out there and I just haven't found the right one. 

Maybe one day I'll knock of #6432 Make lemon bars. Shannon keeps giving me this easy and good recipe. But first I think I will try a cronut, a macaroon, and a smoothie. 

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