Sunday, March 11, 2018

#1213. Go to Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument

When we decided to get the National Park Pass, I started to look for other National Parks near the Grand Canyon and on our way to and from Arizona that we could visit. One of the ones that caught my interest was Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument just outside of Flagstaff. Who would have thought there were volcanoes in a dessert.

Sunset Crater Volcano is the most recent of the volcanoes to erupt in the Flagstaff area and it last erupted around 1100... a mere 700 years ago. However, the lava flows look like they could have been created within the last 100 years. The actual volcano is a 1000-foot cinder cone volcano that when erupted it killed everything it's path.

Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument is a hidden gem. I figured we see a volcano and that would be it. Oh how I was mistaken. After stopping at the visitor center to get a map (and a passport stamp), we got back in the car for a 35 mile journey through the park which is actually two National Parks. Shortly after the visitor center is a look out and trail for the Bonito Lava Flow.

After taking a few pictures and walking a bit of the trail, we got back in the car and headed towards the Cinder Hills Overlook to view the volcano itself. We opted to skip Lava Flow Trail which is a one mile loop trail. If I wasn't with the hubby and his buddy, I would probably have attempted the trail. We somehow missed the overlook and volcano probably the hubby was speeding through the park. A bit further up the Kana-a Lava Flow -- another drive by sighting.

We then drove the rest of the 35 miles to get to Wupatki National Park which preserves the Pueblo Dwellings in the area. I could tell the guys were not into this at all and we barely stopped at the visitor center so I could get another stamp. We saw a Pueblo dwelling or two but didn't explore the trails or anything to get up close and personal with them. I was kind of disappointed. I would liked to a Pueblo dwelling.

A few tips
1. Make sure you have enough gas to get through the park and the 14 miles or so back to a gas station. We were cutting it close which might explain why we sped through the park.

2. Take time to actual hike and see the lava flows. By taking the Lava Flow Trail, you actually get to hike the volcano's base.

3. Make sure you don't skip the Cinder Hills overlook. I'm sure the volcano is quite impressive

4. Don't forget about the Pueblos. There are several trails to check out.

5. Plan about a good 90 minutes to get through the parks with taking time to explore.

6. Actually check out the visitor centers. They are full of information about the Pueblos and volcanoes in the area. Just don't stop to get your passport stamped.

I should have planned this one a bit more carefully and made the hubby go back to the Lava Flow trail so we could get a glimpse of the volcano. Alas, live and learn I guess. I do find it ironic that both times I try to visit a volcano, I never got to see it....
Who knows maybe we will be back again and I can check out the volcano and Pueblos more carefully.

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