Saturday, December 30, 2017

Year in Review: Library Fun by the Numbers

I always see posts on Facebook about why do we still need libraries if everything is going digital. Well, besides the obvious answer of many people love the feel of a real book, there are numerous reasons why we still need libraries. Most of them have embraced the digital age and use it to their advantage while still being a traditional library.

I am lucky that I live in an area where I am within 20 minutes of 6 different libraries from two different library systems and with 30 minutes of probably 10 more. I have come to appreciate this little corner of the world greatly.

In the last year, with the help of these 6 libraries, I have:

  • checked out 50+ books  -- I rarely buy books (unless they are free Nook books) anymore. I check them out at the library. It saves money and space. I go online randomly pick 4 or 5 books from my to read list at a time and reserve them. When I lived in Neenah, I'd go to the library and browse the new books for something to read.
  • checked out 6 movies -- If you are frugal like me or just trying to save money, the library is a great place to check out movies. They have great new releases and old classics... and you get to keep them a week. My friend dropped her internet and solely relies on the library for movies
  • Picked up 4 different FAN Passes and enjoyed some nice events in the community. I was able to make some glass creations, go on the SOUP walk, and even visit a museum at no cost to me. My mom, who lives closer to Milwaukee, was able to check out the library's zoo pass for a day of her choosing allowing my brother and his family to visit the Milwaukee Zoo for free. It is a great way to visit local places for free. I'm hoping they continue this next year and I will have the chance to try and go to more community events.

  • Besides checking out movies, I was able to see 1 movie at the library. All the area libraries show several movies during the month at various times. Most of them are recent releases and are geared towards families for the most part. Another great way to save money and get out of the house as there are usually snacks served as well.
  • saw 12 different authors speak including 10 at the Fox Cities Book Festival. Many of the libraries will have authors come in and talk. I always enjoy hearing them speak and getting a signed copy of their book. 

  • Made 3 different art projects. I've painted plates and scarves and made a collage. Depending on the library, depends on the art project. Many of the libraries offer art projects for kids and families during breaks or special events. It's harder to find adult only art projects. I'm like art projects even though I'm not very good at them. 

  • I also went to 3 different artist-in-residence events this fall which included more art projects. Some libraries had events while others just showed the work of a local artist. Either way it's a way for the library to come together with the community.
  • The hubby and I attended 1 history lesson at Neenah Library. Neenah offers a community monthly history lesson about something in Neenah's history. They are very entertaining but the scheduling doesn't work very well anymore. I kind of wish more libraries would do this.

  • I also attended 2 live theater/music events including Shakespeare and Elvis. Many libraries offer concerts throughout the year. They just don't really appeal to me but they are great for music lovers. It also teaches music appreciation. Neenah library actually offers ukulele lessons. You'd be surprised what you can find at your library.

  • attended 4 cooking classes. My favorite new library program is Culinary Thursdays where I learn how to cook something different.. salad dressings, squash, root vegetables. Again another way the library is trying to reach out to people of all ages.

  • I helped put together a community jigsaw puzzle. For people killing time in a library it is a great activity besides reading. The Kimberly-Little Chute library offer a puzzle swap so you can bring an old puzzle and get a new to you one to do at home. 

Now that's just the tip of the iceberg of what I could do at the library. Reviewing the library calendars, there are story times, book clubs (one of which I attend) for people of all ages, Memory Cafes for those suffering from memory loss and their care givers, fitness classes, nature and gardening programs, the list could go on.

Besides all the fun programs and events, libraries are also great mini museums. Many libraries have showcases that change on a monthly basis. Until recently I never paid much attention to them but since someone pointed them out to me, I think I will make a point of seeing what displays are in the libraries. 

There are many community outreach programs and resources at the library as well. I noticed a coupon swap box at Kimberly Little Chute library. Everyone loves to coupon. Appleton offers a seed catalog that you can plant a garden with and donate your seeds back in the fall. 

The library is more than a building with books in it. It's an adventure waiting to happen. I was one of those check out books and that was it kind of people until a friend told me about the now defunct cookbook club and then I started really seeing what libraries really had to offer. Things come and go as libraries try to keep up with the times but I enjoy finding new and different things to do with my time. 

I definitely have my favorite libraries and programs but I am always looking for new things to learn and do. I am consistently checking out what the different libraries are offering -- online calendars are great resources. I follow all the libraries on Facebook (and a few on Twitter) so I get updates to what new and exciting programs are being offered. I get library newsletters in my email every month. If you make a point to check out what is offered every month you will find something new and exciting eventually. 

I can't wait to see what the libraries have in store for 2018. 

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