Saturday, December 2, 2017

Origami Masterpieces

Stephanie showed us a origami cactus at book club last month saying it was done with one piece of paper. She said it was part of the origami exhibit at the Trout Museum of Art. It sounded cool and decided I wanted to check it. As luck had it, I stopped at the Menasha library to see if they had any FAN passes and admission for four to the Trout Museum was one of the FAN passes available. Guess Danielle, Gavin, and I were going to have an adventure.

We headed to the Trout Museum this morning. I forget how small the Trout is. It is only two floors and really eight walls and one floor of exhibit space. The origami exhibit is the only exhibit at the museum. The exhibit features origami creations by Robert J. Lang. It is only at the Trout Museum until the end of the month.

Yes, that's all one piece of paper

Despite the small space, there is plenty of origami creations of varying sizes and themes. It is tough to keep a 6 year old excited with folded paper but luckily there were origami bugs. I was surprised to see how in depth some of these pieces were. All of them were created from a single sheet of paper folded hundreds if not thousands of times to create masterpieces.

I personally loved the butterflies since they reminded me of Costa Rica.

I did not care for the video they showed about origami and nature. I really didn't need to see the intricate details of ladybug folded wings and the folds of my brain. Because of these aversions, we did not watch the whole movie.

After wandering through the museum, which probably took about 15 minutes, we attempted to create our own origami masterpiece to add to the community art project. Danielle successfully made the swan. I made it to step 5 of the paper crane. That one was challenging. I always wanted to make a paper crane after reading Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. Well I still haven't made one yet.

The steps to make a paper crane and I only make it to step 5

Gavin made a puppy since he made one in school earlier in the week. So if anyone wants to know why there is a dog and a cat in the mix of swans and cranes... that's why.

I probably won't pay $6 to see this exhibit, or any exhibit, at the Trout Museum because I don't think the museum is worth it but I will be glad to visit if I get another FAN Pass. It is a nice, small art museum but I'd like to see more art for my price of admission. Maybe I am just frugal but I just don't think it's worth it. However, don't let my frugalness stop you from enjoying this small art museum.

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