Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Baseball Stadium Tour 2017: Busch Stadium

Our second stop on our Cardinal/Brewer Road Trip was Busch Stadium in St. Louis to see the Brewers take on the Cardinals. They were playing a day/night doubleheader and we scored $5 tickets to the afternoon game. Since it was our second trip to Busch Stadium, we weren't too concerned about not staying for the whole game since we had to head north to Iowa for a night game in Burlington.

We picked the train up at the first stop past the airport so it was about a 30 minute train ride to the stadium. I chatted with a nice Cardinal fan who has been to Wisconsin while waiting for the train. Who said Cardinal fans are annoying?? Everyone we talked were very nice... maybe because we were on their home turf.

Once we got to the stadium, it was so hot that we wandered around the concourse trying to stay out of the sun as long as we could. The main concourse was full of concession stands and ACTUAL tables to sit down and eat at. Because it was Busch Stadium there really wasn't any extra frills that I remember.

Since our seats were upstairs, we rode the elevator to the top and found a hot dog stand with a nice table partially in the shade for lunch. For $6, the hot dogs were pretty good. Since we were able to carry in water, we just drank our water. We just chilled in the shade while the beer man tried to sell his $9 beer.

The first 2.5 innings of the game went by pretty fast. Our seats were in the left field corner. The only thing we couldn't see was the left field corner otherwise there were very good seats. And the best part -- there were in the shade which is great when it is 90 out. We would sit there again. We were too far away to attempt to get a ball but we already have a ball from Busch Stadium.

I wish we could have stayed the whole game but since it was so hot I was glad to be back in the AC train after a couple of hours. Busch Stadium is one of my favorite stadiums to visit -- even if it is home to one of my least favorite teams. I know we will be back to Busch Stadium since it's easy to get to and great stadium to watch baseball in.

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