Tuesday, June 13, 2017

#163 See the Cahokia Mounds

When we were planning our Cardinal/Brewer Road Trip, we had some time built in this morning and I told the hubby I'd like to see the Cahokia Mounds. There were on the way to St. Louis from Springfield and almost right off the interstate. The Cahokia Mounds are on the original bucket list and my brother wanted to know where I found my bucket list stuff. This one I honestly have no clue. The only thing I can think of is I wrote the bucket list while still in college and I must have read about it in my Cultural Anthropology.

One of 70 Mounds

The Cahokia Mounds is what is left of the Mississippi Civilization from the 700s-1400s. Not much known about the largest and most sophisticated pre-historic native settlement north of Mexico. The civilization is name after the Cahokias but the Cahokias did not create the civilization. The Mississippians who lived in this area were accomplished builders who built everything from homes  to monumental public works.

The Cahokia Mounds are an Illinois State Park and a World Heritage Site. There is a visitor center with artifacts and displays on the different buildings that were found in the mounds. Outside, you can explore some of the 70 mounds of the original 90 mounds in the area. It was 90 degrees out and opted not to explore the grounds.

Across the street is Monk Mound the largest of the mounds. Monk's Mound was probably used foras the tribal chief's residence. We opted to drive across to the parking lot there. You can climb the 156 steps up to the top of Monk's Mound. It is popular with runners. The hubby managed to climb up and down because the stairs aren't straight up and not overly steep. From the top of the Mound you can see downtown St. Louis.

As we headed back to the highway, we past Woodhenge which were circles of wooden posts. It can be concluded that they were calendars. We didn't stop but you can clearly see the posts.

Even though I am not sure why this ended up on the bucket list, I am extremely glad it was. It was very interesting... even the hubby liked it. This was probably my favorite stop on the whole trip. I just wish it wasn't so hot. If you are ever in St. Louis area, take the 30 minute across the river and check out this World Heritage Site. It will be worth your time.

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