Sunday, January 29, 2017

I love me some peanuts

The other week my friend in Milwaukee posted a picture next to the Planters Nutmobile and I was sooo Jealous. I would have loved to see the Nutmobile. Well, scrolling through Facebook last night and found a post by WBAY sharing the Nutmobile stops this weekend. I had one chance to see it and that was today at the Neenah Walmart.

After checking out the snow sculptures at Smith Park, Danielle and I headed to Neenah to see the Nutmobile and get some free peanuts. When we got to Walmart, the Nutmobile was pretty easy to find but no one was around to give me my peanuts.

Of course, you just couldn't take a picture of the Nutmobile..No! No! No!  You had to peer in all the windows and examine what was inside.

You had to notice the vanity plates...

You had to check out the bumper sticker on the back...

You had to find the Mr. Peanut stitched into the backs of the seats and the peanuts stitched on the front of them....

You had to find the lobster lounging in the front window.

Then, and only then, can you get your picture taken next to the Nutmobile.

Since there was no one outside, I decided that since we were at Walmart, we might as well go INSIDE and see if we can find Mr. Peanut.

Sure enough... right inside the store was Mr. Peanut and his lovely assistant. After proclaiming my love for peanuts.. oops forgot I was to proclaim my love for Planters, we got our free sample, a couple of coupons, and a sticker. Score... free peanut swag.

Of course a visit to the Nutmobile wouldn't be complete without a photo op with Mr. Peanut himself.

Now my life is almost complete... almost... I now just have to find the elusive Weinermobile. Then my life would be complete.. until I hear about the next large food shape truck making its round in the neighborhood.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Going on an Eagle Viewing Hunt

I've been following Eagle Days on the Fox River on Facebook and keep seeing the posts of eagle sightings. If I got up early enough yesterday morning, I could have helped with the eagle monitoring but I didn't see the post early enough. So I decided to get up early and try to spot one this morning. By early I mean like 7 AM!!! Eek. I contemplated staying in bed and said screw it but this might have been my only chance for awhile.

According to the Eagle Days page, there are 16 different viewing stations along the Fox River throughout the Fox Valley. I decided to go down by the Banta Bowl because it was close to home and I could see an eagle and go back to bed. I get down there and saw a lot of seagulls. I hung around for a little bit but decided there were too many seagulls and it was cold.

On to Plan B... I headed to Sunset Park in Kimberly. There are 2 viewing spots in Sunset. I decided to go down by the boat launch since I could sit in the car. There was another person there too. Again I saw a lot of ducks and other birds. I may have saw an eagle in flight since eagles soar while most other birds flap their wings and fly. I waited awhile to see if it would come back but it never did so I could confirm if it was an eagle or not.

I almost decided to say screw it and go home but decided to go to 1 last spot at 1000 Islands Nature Center in Kaukauna. I was surprised no one was there.. ok so it was 8 AM. I trudged out to the viewing platform and saw nothing. I was quite disappointed that this eagle hunting trip was a bust. I could have stayed in bed.

I thought the frost and the steam looked pretty cool and snapped a few pictures. I figured at least I had a few cool pictures to show from my journey this morning.

As I headed back to the car, I looked up and there was an eagle in a tree. It was definitely worth getting up at the crack of dawn.

I learned that I am not patient enough to wait for an eagle to come along. I want to show up and be able to see one. This probably why I don't fish or hunt... I can't sit still long enough to get the goods.

I hopefully one year will be able to partake in some of the other activities that Eagle Days on the Fox River have planned but the work schedule doesn't allow it this year.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

#995 Build a Fort

Every year my friend Jamie and her family builds a blanket fort on New Year's Eve. I must have had a depressing childhood as I never built a blanket fort or any other kind of fort or clubhouse. After seeing pictures for the last 2 years, I decided I wanted to make a fort and watch a movie in it. I thought doing this by myself but decided that it would be more fun if I had someone to do it with. So I invited Danielle and Gavin over for forts and movies this afternoon since the hubby was gone all day.

It turns out that Danielle at least some fort building experience because I really had no clue how to build a fort. I knew I needed some blankets and chairs but when it came to putting it together I had no clue. Next time we will invite Jamie over for assistance as she is a "professional".

Building a fort isn't as easy as it looks. You have to make sure the roof is high enough to see the TV and wide enough for 3 bodies. You have to make sure the blankets are secure to the chairs and each other. This is where knot tying skills come in handy as well as hair clips and chip clips. Jamie says duct tape works well too.

Once had our fort built, we wiggled into it.. another thing I didn't realize I had to worry about. Trying to lay in the fort to watch TV. In order to do this in the small space we had, we had to enter the fort feet first. It was a lot of contorting for us adults.

Danielle and I lasted about 20 minutes laying on our stomachs when she wiggled out and sat up and I flipped positions and leaned against the couch. That was much more comfortable. I figured since I wanted to build a fort I better watch the entire movie in it.

Fort building is a great way to spend a winter afternoon. Maybe this will become a yearly tradition. Hopefully I will get to improve my fort building skills sometime soon.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Top 5 in 2017

As I look ahead to 2017, I have some adventures that I hope to accomplish this year and knock them off the original bucket list.

1. Go to the Octagon House -- this has been on my short list for the last couple of years. I had 2 opportunities to check it out this year and changes in plans forced it be left behind. Hopefully I can make it to Watertown to see it.

2. Go to Zoo Ala Carte -- another one that has been on the short list for the last couple of years. Because of when it is, it usually lands during my vacation. Hopefully vacation will be earlier this year and I can head down to zoo ala carte.

3. Go to Alpha Xi Delta National Convention -- I will have several upset sisters if I don't make it to this year's convention. It is in Chicago and I have every intention on going.

4. See the ice sculptures at the PAC -- this is one of those things that was added to the original list because of living in the Milwaukee area. Now I think it is time to make a day trip down to see them... I just have to find out when they are.

5. Go tubing -- something I've always wanted to do and Danielle said she'd take me this year when she went...

I'm sure there will be other items that get crossed off the original bucket list this year like always. The goal is to knock off 5 and the last couple of years I have succeeded.

I know the hubby and I will work on knocking off more Major League Baseball Stadiums this year to help me reach my goal of seeing all the stadiums. White Sox, Detroit, and Kansas City make the short list this year.

Stay tuned for my many adventures in the coming weeks and months.