Monday, June 13, 2016

Exploring Pewaukee

The hubby had a double header in Pewaukee last week and I figured I would tag along since I had PTO that I had to use by the end of the month. Since the game was being played at a park in town, I figured there was going to be plenty of walking. The hubby was a little concerned about me walking until his partner informed him that it was safe and the beach was just down the road.

I set off in the direction we came and followed the signs to the Lake. It turns out Pewaukee is a cute little town. I ended up going for 2 walks, taking different routes both times. I told the hubby he needed to do another doubleheader like this next summer because I still have streets to explore.

On my wanderings, I took pictures of anything that looked interesting, pretty, or intriguing. They were exploration walks and I like exploring new cities. Maybe next time I will bring some money and explore the stores, get some ice cream, and lay on the beach dreaming of being on the coast because downtown Pewaukee reminds me of being at the beach on the ocean instead of some inland lake in Wisconsin.

I found the lake and the beach

I still can't believe something like this exists in the middle of Wisconsin. I wish I had another change of clothes so I could take a dip in the lake.

After strolling past the lake, I passed the train depot and onto Historic Watertown Plank Road

Where I found this Church

On my second walk, I went up High Street and found:
An octagon house

A really cool looking fire hydrant

Some pretty flowers

On the way back to the park, I found this boardwalk

And this is where it ended

Yup, it went absolutely nowhere.

So I went back and watch some baseball

I can't wait to continuing to explore Pewaukee and other random towns. Too bad I have to work or I would wander through a different town every day.

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