Monday, June 27, 2016

#755 Learn the Hula

Once again Facebook gives me a new adventure or at least pointed me in the direction of one. Scrolling through my feed last week, I saw that the Appleton Public Library was going to host a belly dancing class the next night. Even though it sounded like fun, the time wasn’t convenient. However, I did go look at the library’s website and found out that they were having a Polynesian Dance class the following Tuesday. This sounded like more fun and Danielle agreed to come with me.

I was really hoping they would teach us the hula not realizing that the hula is Polynesian Dance. I never thought I would learn to hula in the basement of a library instead of a warm sandy island. I knew this was my chance and I was going to grab it.

When we got to the library, the ladies from Marsha’s School of Dance said they would show us a dance and then teach us a simple dance. I said I had 2 left feet and she said by the end I’d have a right and left. I wasn’t convinced. She said all we had to do was count to four.

The dancers were very good but it didn’t look THAT hard. Then it was our turn. They were going to teach us a basic Hula that when in Hawaii they perform at 95% of Luaus so you had a good chance of actually knowing the dance if you got to the islands.

First we had to learn the basic steps. There were really only 3 basic steps… a side step, a sway, and a swirl. Your waist is the water line… everything below the waist represents the water and moves and everything about the waist is the land and isn’t supposed to move except for your arms which tell the story. It also helps to keep your feet shoulder width apart and slightly bend your knees. My biggest problem was taking small steps. I wanted to take big steps. We learned the steps by lining dancing to a Beatle’s song.

After we learned the steps, we were taught the hand motions. The motions were relatively easy. I know I still don’t remember them on my own but when watching one of the dancers I had them down pretty good. We were taught The Hukilau Hula Dance. It is a story about fishing and the hand motions tell the story. Once we had the hand motions down, we put it all together and actually danced the hula.

This is the dance we learned

It was a fun class. I don’t think I would have gone alone. Now I can say I’ve danced the hula. I would love to keep practicing. Maybe I will watch the You-Tube video until I have it down pat and then when someone pays my way to Hawaii, I can show off my talent.

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