Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Explore Memorial Park in Appleton

I don't know how many times I have been to Memorial Park in Appleton for Softball games and never actually left the diamonds? Now that I have been trying to walk every day, I decided this year during the Rockers Tournament, I would go for a walk around Memorial Park.

I was missing out. There is a lot more to Memorial Park than just 7 softball diamonds. Just a short walk across the road from diamonds 5-7, I found a whole new side of Memorial Park.

What did I find?

A fishing pond

Trees and grassy trails. I kept going in circles.

Then as I kept walking, I stumbled across the Scheig Center, an oasis in the middle of Memorial Park. 

I'll let the pictures do the talking what the Scheig Center has to offer.

The best part of Scheig Center was the giant kaleidoscope. It took me a minute how to work it but once I realize you spun the flower pot and not the arms, it was amazing. 

Just like looking into a kaleidoscope that I had when I was a kid, as the planter spun the flower designs changed. They even moved in the same branching out pattern. This is the one spot, I had to show Danielle when she meet me for a walk on Saturday. Gavin enjoyed watching the flowers bloomed.

I discovered some wood chip paths just past the Scheig Center on my walk with Danielle on Saturday but didn't have time to explore them. There's always time.

If you want a place to fish, hike, roll down a giant hill, enjoy nature, or even take family pictures take some time to explore Memorial Park. It's only about 10 minutes from my house and this was the first time I truly found all that Memorial Park has to offer and then some. 

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