Sunday, June 28, 2015

Darboy Chicken Chase

Danielle had come up with this idea of doing a 5k in March, April, May, June, September, October, and November. We’d skip the really hot and really cold months. I struggled to find a decent 5k for June and signed up for the Chicken Chase in Darboy as part of the Darboy Chicken Fest. Danielle, due to unforeseen circumstances, couldn’t do it with me.

We really did chase a chicken....

I knew I was in trouble when I picked up my bib on Thursday and was given 26. The numbers for people just register started at 185. When I do 5ks, I have 2 goals: Finish in under an hour and never come in last. With only 200 or so people doing it, I knew that coming in last was a possibility if I didn’t actually run some of it. I am not a runner. I hate running. However, I couldn’t come in last and decided I had to run as much as I could.

Race day was a warm morning. I forgot my water. Luckily I had a half bottle in my car. I couldn’t get to the park the way I normally because it was blocked off for the race. Good thing I kind of knew how to get there another way. I didn’t know anyone but I didn’t have to wait around all that long before the race. I just didn’t want to do run the Chicken Chase. I wasn’t into it.

I so don't want to do this

You’d think I’d done horribly if I didn’t want to do it but it motivated me to get done so I could just go home. I didn’t end up last but I was at the back of the pack. It was nice to have caring spectators along the route who handed out extra water and had sprinklers going. It really helped.

Officially I did the Chicken Chase in 43:54. I was happy with my time, especially as it was new personal best. I got my cookie and went home. I even got done before the hubby called telling me he was done with his baseball games. Next year, I will find a different race in June. I’m not all about the Chicken Chase.

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