Wednesday, June 17, 2015

#962 Go to the Flag Day Museum

As I mention before, Waubeka is the home to Flag Day. Because Waubeka is the home of Flag Day, it naturally has a Flag Day Museum. The Museum is not open unless you request an appointment or it is Flag Day. It is located within the Americanism Center.

It Museum is more than just about Flag Day. There is the military room that houses all sorts of cool military uniforms, gear, and other artifacts mostly from area residents.

Then you get the Waubeka Room which is the history of Waubeka and has artifacts from local area business such as barber chair that turned out to be from my cousin's godfather's barber shop.

The last room is devoted to Bernard J Cigrand, the founder of Flag Day.

There is also the Avenue of Flags that depict the various American Flags throughout our history such as the 48 star flag.

It is quaint little museum that if you are ever in town for the Flag Day Parade, it's worth stopping in and checking out the artifacts and seeing the history of the area.

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