Monday, April 13, 2015

#903 -- Visit the Horicon Marsh

On the way back from a UW-Whitewater Softball doubleheader, the hubby took a detour so I could see the Horicon Marsh. I've been bugging him that I want to see the marsh. I had a couple of trips planned last year to explore the Marsh but weather, baptism, and laziness overrode those plans.

We got off WI-26 in Horicon and took WI-33 through Horicon to see the southern end of the Marsh. Let me tell you, I.Was.Not.Impressed. I was expecting it to be much bigger. The grassy, marshy areas between New London and Green Bay on 54, not to mention the paths I found I Hatten's Park in New London, were more impressive. Maybe in summer when it was green, it would have been better. I was thinking, I wanted to see THIS? I figured that was all there was to see of the Marsh but the hubby wasn't done yet.

The Southern End of the Horicon Marsh to the left.

After leaving Horicon, he headed up some county highway and followed that to WI-49. The marsh was off in the distance and we could only see bits and pieces while on the County Highway. Once we turned onto WI-49, the northern end of the Marsh was exposed to us and it was much more impressive. Sure it was half-dead from winter yet but at least it stretched for several miles on both sides of the road. It was turning into dusk as we got to the Northern End which meant we could get out and explore the Marsh but we did some geese as we drove through the Marsh.

The Northern End of the Horicon Marsh stretching in the distance

I can officially say I've seen the Horicon Marsh and if we've had time to stop and truly enjoy it, it would probably be one of those "Been There, Done That, Don't Need to Go Back". It was neat to see but I have come to the conclusion that I'm more of woods and tress type girl than marshes and wetlands kind of girl. Maybe once I explore the it, my impression of it will change but right now I'm not overly impressed. I'm grateful that the hubby took the time and opportunity to help get this off my bucket list but as he has always said "There's not much to see."

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