Thursday, October 1, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Virtual Pio Homecoming BINGO

 2020 messed up a lot of things including Proms, family vacations, sporting events, and Homecomings. Carroll College, sorry University, has been offered virtual alumni events since almost the beginning of the Pandemic. They have offered a few cooking demonstrations, cheese tasting, wine tasting, and musical events. Since the traditional Homecoming was not going to happen, especially since sports were cancelled, Carroll University put together a plethora of virtual events throughout the month of October. One of these events was BINGO. Since I have been playing virtual BINGO every month with Brenda Novak, I was game for Virtual Pio Bingo.

I signed up and they sent me a BINGO card and the link to a zoom meeting to play bingo. We were playing 5 different games each with a different design -- regular BINGO, P for Pioneer, C for Carroll, U for University and Blackout. Each game would have multiple winners

It was nice sending us the diagrams for each Bingo board since we tried to do a "N" for Novak when we started play Brenda Novak Bingo and no one could figure out how to do an "N".

All that Brenda Novak BINGO paid off. I won regular bingo and won Pio socks. My orange Carroll wardrobe is slowing growing. I have a t-shirt and socks now.  

Then I won U Bingo and acquired a Pioneer Alumni Garden Flag. 

That is all I won. I was just happy to win one game. Mom said I am lucky this year and should have entered my name in the church drawing. I'm not that lucky. 

It was fun. Zach was a great Bingo Caller. Halfway through he was annoyed with the bingo ball machine, he gave up and just put them in a garbage can. I am glad Carroll was able to create these fun alumni events to keep the alumni involved and connected during these interesting times. It is especially accommodating that we were able to transform Homecoming into something that fit the times. Hopefully they continue this virtual Bingo for years to come even when things get back to normal especially since these events are great for us introverts.

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