Thursday, August 18, 2022

4950. Go to Future Neenah Out to Lunch Concert

Every Thursday during the summer Neenah does a lunch time concert in Shattuck Park.  It is really difficult to go to lunch time concerts since well I am at work. When I saw that Elvis John was going to do a lunch time concert, I mentioned it to the hubby since Grandma loves Elvis John. I re-arranged my schedule to attend.

Shattuck Park is a perfect venue for a lunch time concert. There is plenty of parking nearby, plenty of space to sit, and room for food trucks. There is not a lot of shade so when it's hot, that is a problem. Of course weather could also be a factor.

We had a gorgeous day for a concert in the park. It was in the 70s. We got down to Shattuck Park early enough that I was able to snag space under a tree so we had some shade and had a direct line of site to the stage.

Elvis John was not in his usual jumpsuit but went with the Hawaiian look of a Hawaiian shirt and white pants. I thought it was perfect for an outdoor lunch concert. Grandma wanted the jumpsuit and scarves. 

Like every other Elvis John Concert, I've been to, he does not stay on stage but circles the crowd throughout the entire performance. We did not get to shake his had or sung to this time but it was still nice being able to see him up close. 

It was a great concert, despite the few issues with blown fuses. The hubby even liked the show but did say he moved around too much. I love all his gyrations and movements. That is what makes him Elvis.

I would love to get to more lunch time concerts but with work it is difficult. Who knows maybe next year I'll take some half days to go listen to music. If you are free, you should always check out lunch time concerts in Neenah, Appleton, or whatever city you live in. Most larger communities have some sort of concerts in a park at lunch during the week. 

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