Wednesday, November 24, 2021

6855. Make a lattice top pie

 I like a nice lattice top pie since it looks pretty and very professional especially on a cherry or blueberry pie. Apple and peach definitely need two crusts. When I was tasked to make the cherry pie for Thanksgiving, I knew had a to attempt a lattice top pie. 

I hate make pie crust and decided to use the Ninja to make it easier. I added the flour and shortening to the food processor and pulse. Then following the directions in my Betty Crocker cookbook, I quickly added water and it actually formed into a ball. I divided it in half and rolled out the bottom crust. It turned out okay. Rolling things into a circle are not my forte and like usual I rolled a bit too thin and had to patch spots.

The filling was a basic cherry pie filling of Door County cherries, sugar, flour, and butter for some reason. After a quick call to mom to confirm that I needed to drain the cherries, the filling came together quickly and got poured into the pie plate. 

Then it was time to attempt the lattice top. I attempted to roll out the other crust in the circle but still haven't mastered this. Then I cut the dough into strips.

I laid several strips across the pie.

Then came the tricky part of doing the weaving. I did pull back the vertical strips and wove the horizontal strips through it. I had to remember over and under. It was not as easy it sounds. As you can tell my strips were too thin and broke in places and I had to patch jobs. For my first attempt, I was impressed.

In the oven it went and after about an hour, the masterpiece was done. It may not look pretty but it sure tasted good.

I told the hubby I need to make more pies so I can practice making crust. It was not flaky (I think due to the food processor) and the edges weren't pretty. I have no objection making pie and the hubby I don't think would mind either. 

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