Saturday, May 29, 2021

Exploring the Green Circle Trail in Stevens Point

 The hubby had a baseball doubleheader in Stevens Point at Bukolt Park. Like usual, I tagged along and figured I'd get a walk in. I really wanted to walk to and explore the Sculpture Park but it was 1.9 miles there and 1.9 miles back plus the length of the trail. That is like an entire baseball game. I opted to explore around Bukolt Park figured I'd just walk city streets.

I actually ended up walking part of the Green Circle Trail. I walked the River Front Trail. The Green Circle Trail is a 27 mile loop trail throughout the city of Stevens Point and includes 10 different portions and links to other trails. 

The River Front trail followed along the Wisconsin River it is about a mile from Bukolt Park to downtown. It is a nice portion of the trail.

I saw plenty of geese and ducks.

And a new mini park being constructed.

There were also some history about the area along the trail.

Later in the day, I tried to walk a portion of the Stagecoach trail but I lost the trail when it went onto a road. I turned around and headed back to baseball.

I would highly recommend explore the trails of the Green Circle if you are ever in Stevens Point. There are plenty of hidden gems along the way to explore as well.

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