Friday, May 7, 2021

6506. See a John Wayne Movie

 In preparation of our trip to John Wayne's Birthplace in August, I figured I better actually watch a John Wayne movie. Westerns are not my favorite genre. I don't think I ever really watched one. 

I asked on Facebook which movie of his I should watch. True Grit or The Quiet Man were popular choices. However, I was limited to what was available on Hoopla through the library. Shannon suggested McLintock! because it was her mom's favorite and since it was available on Hoopla it is the one I watched.

In McLintock!, wealthy rancher G.W. McLintock uses his power and influence in the territory to keep the peace between farmers, ranchers, land-grabbers, Indians, and corrupt government officials. (IMBD).

The movie wasn't bad once you got over the over the top fight scenes and typical acting found in western movies. I was actually surprised these kinds of movies still exist based on how PC our society has become. McLintock "beats" his wife with a spatula on the behind due to bad behavior. He gives his future son-in-law similar advice about keeping his wife in her place. 

The fight scene at the quarry was hilarious with every one slipping down into the cement pit even McLintock's wife. There are quite a few funny moments in the moive.

I'm still not a western fan but I would be willing to watch more. Telling the hubby what I did and watched, he was like you watched the wrong movie. He believes Rooster Cogburn is the best John Wayne movie. It is not available through Hoopla. However it is available through the library. Maybe I will rent it before we leave in August especially if it gets me a badge for the summer reading program.

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