Sunday, August 30, 2020

7063. Draw Charlie Brown

 Back in April, I saved a link on Facebook on how to draw Charlie Brown. I decided this would be a good COVID-19 Bucket List activity. Even though I never got around to finishing writing the COVID-19 bucket list -- 19 things you want to do during quarantine, I still wanted to do this Charlie Brown drawing.

Finally after being on my to do list for several weeks, I decided to finally draw Charlie Brown. 

The directions are pretty straight forward. 

Photo Courtesy of Charles M Schulz Museum Facebook

Even not being an artist, I was able to do a pretty good job. I do realize his ears are lopsided but it does look like Charlie Brown.

The Charles M Schultz Museum Facebook page has other Peanut character tutorials if you scroll through their feed. Maybe one day I will try to and conquer Snoopy.

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