Saturday, August 22, 2020

4917. See the Larson’s Famous Clydesdales in Ripon

I saw a news story or something about the Clydesdales near Ripon and decided I wanted to see. I was one of those girls who didn't LOVE horses so this wasn't an absolute must see NOW. It was one of those if I get to it, great.. if not, oh well. However because they were Clydesdales I did really want to see them because who didn't love Clydesdales horses especially in Budweiser commercials.

Larson's Famous Clydesdales are only open on Saturdays currently for one tour and show at 1pm. It costs $15 an adult for the show and tour.. cash only. That didn't stop Stacy and I from wanting to see them. Her daughter was excited to see Horseys too.

We got there a few minutes late. Parking was on the county road. We missed the introduction to the horses in the corral but we still got most of the tour.

After the introduction near the corral, we learned about how the Larsen's transport their Clydesdales and saw thee trailers.

Then we got to meet one of the horses. They walked us through preparing a Clydesdale for a show. It takes about 6 hours to prepare a team of six horses to show.

Finally it was time for a brief show. Mr. Larsen demonstrated what a men's single cart show was like at the State Fair.

After the show we got to see the other horses.

Including the baby horse.

The best part, even if the horse wanted to eat me, was getting up close to the horses

It was definitely worth the price of admission. The Larsens are world champions cart drivers. They love their sport and horses. If you are looking for something different to do in the Ripon area, this would be a must see.

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