Saturday, November 9, 2019

Holiday Mail for Heroes

I've always wanted to do Operation Dear Abby. It's been on the original bucket list and I'm like this is the year I'll do it. However due to the anthrax scare after 9/11, Dear Abby has ceased operations. For a while I think there was an email operation but I can't seem to get to an active link for that operation either.

When I saw that Scheels was doing Holiday Mail for Heroes, I made sure I got to the mall to send one. I figured it was close enough to Operation Dear Abby that it counted.

Scheels provided the cards, pens, and postage. Literally all I had to do was stop outside of display outside of the store, write a message to a service person in a card they provided, sign my name, and leave it in the other bin. They would take care of the rest.

How simple is that?

I was glad I saw that Scheels was doing this and made time to go support our troops. Who doesn't love getting mail especially when you are thousands miles from home during the holidays? It may be a tiny gesture but I'm sure it means a lot to the serviceman or woman who gets my card.

I hope Scheels continues this for years to come.

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