Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Little Bit of Packer History on a Thursday Night

Neenah library had Jim Rice come and talk about the Packers. He was going to talk about his project "The Packer Century Project". Jim has written a book about everything game Packers game played from 1919 to 2018. He scoured newspaper articles and other resources to give an insight to every game the Packers ever played.

However, that is not what he talked about at the library to the dozen or so folks that showed up. He literally went through all the big players... known and unknown... from the last 100 seasons. Jim used football games and pictures to show the who's who among Packers players. Many I never heard of but others are household names.

It was very interesting. I learned the only person who was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame and the Football Hall of Fame. Cal Hubbard was a Packer in the early days of the team and then went on to become an baseball umpire.

The hubby would have loved the program but he had to work. I learned a few more tidbits about Packer players and the history of the Packers that I didn't know before. I swear I have heard Jim Rice talk about the Packers before at Neenah Library. Maybe one of these times, the hubby will get to come.

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