Sunday, September 1, 2019

AP US Mini Golf Tour 2019: Cedar Rapids, IA

What do you do in Iowa on a Sunday night? Well if you're in Iowa City not much. There's not even mini golf. We ended up driving up to Cedar Rapids to go play mini golf since no champion was crowned for 2019 yet. The hubby and I both won one round while in Arizona in March and haven't played since.

After a quick Google Search, I found some mini golf in Cedar Rapids. What would we do without Google???? Cedar Rapids was only 20 minutes away so not too far for a round of mini golf. It was that or sit in the hotel room.

We played mini golf at Waterfall National Miniature which is part of Airport National Public Golf Course in Cedar Rapids. It is actually a few nice course. It looks easy but is quite challenging. Most of the holes have a par 2 especially on the back nine.

Because it was Labor Day weekend, it was quite busy. We had to wait to play every hole. It wasn't too bad. Everyone was just waiting their turn. It was quite nice. It was useless to let someone play through since there were more people behind them. No one caught up to us though.

It was not my finest night of golf. The hubby took home the crown of Mini Golf Champ again. I would get with in a couple of shots and then have a really bad hole. There's always next year and 3 more courses to try at the place in Arizona.

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