Friday, May 31, 2019

993. Build a birdhouse

Danielle texted me towards the end of last year or the beginning of this year asking me bird house or bird feeder and I was like if it's for the bucket list, I need both. She picked up birdhouse and bird feeder kits. I was thinking she got these at like Home Depot or something.

The weather was finally nice enough to make our birdhouses and bird feeders after Danielle and I went on our bird hike. I met her at her house and discovered these weren't home depot kits.. there were from the Dollar Store. Normally that's not a problem. Dollar store crafts are cheap and fun. These were teeny tiny birdhouses and feeders... maybe for a hummingbird or something equally as small.

I was expecting to have to nail the pieces together. Oh no, these birdhouses and feeders required glue which was included in the kits. However since the birdhouse was made of balsa type wood, we were dealing with a very tiny edge to glue and try to get to hold. The hardest part was trying to get it not fall apart. Luckily Danielle was thinking ahead and got some craft glue as well which helped immensely.

It was not the most perfect bird house but it stayed together.

We probably should have painted it before we put them together. At least the kids thought about that and colored theirs with markers.

Fast forward several weeks and I finally got around to painting my birdhouse and bird feeder. I wanted to make them red and white but I didn't have any red paint. I wasn't going to the store to get red paint so blue sufficed.

In the meantime I lost the eyelet screw to put on the string for the bird feeder so it can't really go outside.

Once the paint dried, I hung my birdhouse in the tree. It last a day or two before the eyelet screw pulled loose. There really wasn't a good way to attached it to the birdhouse. So now my birdhouse is in the garage.

I can honestly say I built a birdhouse. Did a bird live in it? Nope. I really have no desire to make a bigger one. I'm not a huge bird fan and I find them annoying when they try to build nests near my patio. So it's probably a good thing I didn't make a large bird house. For all you bird people, if I get to make another birdhouse in the future, I'll gladly give it away.

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