Sunday, May 5, 2019

337. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo

I've never been big into Cinco de Mayo but I do love my Mexican food. It might be the people I hang out with that we just don't do the whole margaritas on Cinco de Mayo thing. The hubby isn't a big fan of Mexican so we rarely go out for Mexican let alone on Cinco de Mayo.

When I discovered my annual tea party was on Cinco de Mayo, I was like I want a Mexican Tea Party. Does such a thing exist? Is it even possible to have a Mexican tea party? With some help from Google, Pinterest, and Stacy, it turns out that we most definitely can have a Mexican Tea Party. So what if it's not a "thing."

I told everyone that it was a Mexican Tea Party and bring your favorite Mexican dish. Erin was like I don't know any Mexican dishes. I was like make Mexican Wedding Cakes. She wanted to know if they were really Mexican. I was like close enough for me.

Since scones is a staple at my tea parties, I wanted to make Mexican scones if they even existed. Turns out that one can make Mexican Chocolate Chip-Oatmeal scones or even Cheddar Jalapeno scones. After looking over a few recipes, I figured I could adapt my go-to scone recipe into mini Mexican scones and that's what I did. I added some cocoa powder, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper to the batter. They were like the hot chocolate cookies at Christmas but in scone form. I did add cinnamon chips to half the batch. These might be my favorite new scone.

We had scones; we had Tres Leches Cake and churros. There were tacos and quesadillas. But you can't have a tea party without tea. Stacy found me a Mexican tea recipe that used Hibiscus petals. Thanks to World Market, I was able to find the actual petals and not just hibiscus tea. I am not a fan of iced tea but this stuff was amazing. Since I only had a 1/2 cup of petals (because I was cheap) I only made half a recipe which was definitely not enough by any means. Everyone loved it and I made sure to save Stacy a cup.

I was going to go all out and decorate with a Cinco de Mayo theme but time ran out so I went with the traditional tea party look.

Who knows next year what theme our tea party will have. I kind of liked having a theme to the tea party. We shall see...

My Mexican Tea Party probably wasn't the most "authentic" to celebrate Cinco de Mayo but it sure was fun. Maybe one day I will go out for Margaritas on Cinco de Mayo.

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