Saturday, June 23, 2018

#734 Crash a Party

I always thought it would be fun to crash a party. I figured I would probably never get around to do it though because it would require me to actually pretend to know people and socialize with strangers. Not my idea of a fun time.

However when your parents' neighbors are throwing a graduation party and your parents declined to attend because of a party at their house, crashing the neighbors' party only seemed like the "neighborly" thing to do. Besides Bob never crashed a party either and he was up for coming with me. Since I wasn't technically invited, if I were to go to the party it would have been considered crashing. This was all worked out ahead time via some quick texts to Stacy and Danielle.

The main reason I wanted to crash the party, besides to cross it off the bucket list, was to play cornhole or bean bag. The party at my parents was over and since the kids all moved out there were no fun lawn games to play to kill time which is another reason why we decided to crash the party -- there was nothing else to do.

Bob, Tanya, and I headed across the street and was immediately greeted by our neighbor, Dave, who insisted on us having something to eat and drink. We tried to get away with a cookie but he insisted on us having a sandwich or some mac and cheese. Oh and help yourself to the beer. Tanya just wanted cake. I told him I wanted to play cornhole and he said he'd play against me.

After a few more texts, my cousins plus Ryan and Tracy meandered across the street. Dave also insisted on everyone eating and having a beer or two. There was no shortage of food or drink at this party. We even managed to take a few beers home for later.

Finally the cornhole became available. Bob beat me in my warm up game which Dave insist I do. Not knowing the rules, I said we'd play to 3.... after explaining the rules to me I quickly realized that was going to be a quick game. We ended up playing to 21 and let's just say my 2 measly points didn't really help my cause. However it was still a blast.

We were probably only over there for like 30 minutes but it was still a blast. We probably could have stayed the entire night and they wouldn't have cared. I figured Dave wouldn't care if we crashed his son's graduation party. He has always been a 'more the merrier" kind of guy.

However if I were ever to crash another party in my future, it would have to be one of those I don't care who shows up kind of parties since I am not good at making up pretend relatives or friends and really don't want to get arrested (or shot) by a crazy party host.

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