Saturday, June 23, 2018

#674 Catch butterflies

Every fall while at Pop Warner football, I wish I had a butterfly net so I could catch butterflies. Running through a field trying snag a monarch butterfly always seemed like fun. Sure I probably caught butterflies and moths as a kid but I don't remember. I had butterflies land on me in various butterfly gardens but that kind of defeats the purpose of trying to catch them.

Since I could never remember to buy a butterfly net to bring with me to football, I used the next best thing.... Jayden's butterfly net and my parents backyard. All I had to do is ask Jayden if we could catch butterflies and he was game... what boy isn't it???

There were a few butterflies flitting about the weeds at the edge of the farmer's field. Because I didn't have shoes on, we couldn't venture into the weeds to try to snag one of the butterflies. Every time we got close to being able to catch one, it would take off again and Jayden and I would be running to catch up.

I did manage to snag one white butterfly in the field but that is all we managed.

It was a fun 10-15 minutes of chasing butterflies. Next time I will be sure to wear shoes and maybe have a bigger space to try to catch butterflies. I'm sure Jayden will be more than happy to catch butterflies with me again.

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